The 2024 video trends you need to know

Home Video Editing Motion Array 17/01/2024 4 min read

Video trends often follow technology, and with the software we use moving and improving so quickly, it’s difficult to predict where we will be in 12 short months. However, tech advancements aside, some emerging trends this year will surely be a focus for 2024.

  • Understand how AI Trends will help you as a content creator in 2024.
  • Discover the fun stylistic trends of 3D and Anti-design.
  • Enjoy more freedom in your video creation as audiences move away from brand identity.


We’ve heard about AI creative tools for several years, and the quality progression has been astounding. 2022 was the year that made innovative AI tools accessible through fun apps, and 2023 saw massive improvements to the quality of AI content – 2024 is the year to figure out how to use these tools or get left behind.

Tools and Workflow

We’ve used AI in our creative tools and workflow for several years, and you might not have even realized it. If you’ve ever used Premiere Pro Auto transcription tools, you’ve used AI.

Last year, we saw growing trends in creating still images using AI such as MidJourney and Adobe Photoshop AI Generative Fill tools to expand photos and backgrounds quickly. While these tools are fantastic for video creation, we’re waiting for an After Effects AI Generative Fill for video, and 2024 could be the year.

Pika Labs has already introduced generative video fill with impressive results. Of course, there will always be room for improvements, but Adobe will need to keep up with the trend, so we predict an addition to After Effects sometime in the next 12 months.


With the increase in affordable and accessible AI software, some of the technical aspects of content creation will become less important, and creativity and storytelling will win in the end. 

Creating excellent compositions has always been challenging, with tools designed to augment footage or create scenes entirely from scratch, but more is needed to capture your viewer’s attention. While anyone can create videos from the comfort of their home, audiences will look for unique stories and ideas told in compelling and engaging ways.

It is important to remember that AI is about to replace an editor’s role in the video process only a while, if ever. These tools are designed to help you spend more time within the creative process and less time on the technical aspects of tasks such as rotoscoping. 

Creating a Big, Bold Impression

Standing out online can be difficult, and content creators always look for ways to create a big and bold impression. There are many design trends each year, and it would be impossible to cover all of our design-based predictions 2024 in one article, so let’s look at two of our favorites.

Stylized 3D

One way to successfully use 3D in your content creation is to emphasize the technique and use it to create a particular style for your compositions. Mr Beast has been incorporating stylized 3D animations and titles into his wide establishing shots for a while now. In these instances, the 3D isn’t intended to look hyper-realistic but is added to provide the audience with more information in a relaxed and dramatic way.

You can use 3D animation to create abstract designs, objects, and backgrounds, giving businesses and brands endless opportunities for how their products are displayed. By creating entire environments, you can produce a consistent and realistic look to your composition, which is far easier to achieve than placing a 3D animation on top of real-world footage.


Anti-design is challenging to explain and even more demanding to achieve, so it is best left to the experienced editors among you. Anti-design is breaking all the editing rules conventional videos use to create a visually unique and inconsistent composition.

When picking an outfit, for example, most of us understand and stick to complimentary colors and fabrics – it takes an eye for design and an understanding of color theory and fashion to combine clashing colors, patterns, and materials into a stylish look. Similarly, bad anti-design results in a messy-looking composition with unclear messaging and a clash of styles – good anti-design uses those clashes to its advantage.

As anti-design videos break conventional editing rules, it is essential to understand them and have experience working within their confines. For beginners who want to try the anti-design stylistic trend, you can always choose one of Motion Arrays’ incredible templates.

Brand Identity

Brand Identity has always been a massive buzzword for digital content creators and businesses. Still, as audiences become more discerning over their online viewing habits, your Brand Identity is becoming less important.

We’re not saying you should regularly change your logos, fonts, and brand colors just for the sake of it, but audiences can identify brands from more than these things. The storytelling, themes, and feelings behind the videos engage your audience and keep them coming back for more.

Red Bull is a fantastic example of brand identity through storytelling. On the surface, Red Bull’s social content seems slightly inconsistent, often not including a logo, product image, or brand messaging. Instead, the extreme sport-based content creates a feeling surrounding their core mission statement, ‘Giving wings to people and ideas.’

Branding is still important in content creation, especially while establishing who you are. However, businesses and video agencies can breathe a sigh of relief as the trends move towards creating consistency through feeling and storytelling.

Time-Saving Creative Assets

Social media is moving faster than ever, so it is no surprise that our final trend surrounds 3rd party creative assets. From plugins to animated sequences, stock websites like Motion Array help content creators produce stunning compositions quickly.

Our social media stories template packs are ideal for quickly updating your feeds, while our plugins and animation packs can supercharge your editing capabilities. Using stock assets in your editing workflow can allow you to spend more time producing creative and engaging compositions. 

As we start a new year filled with opportunities, we must remember that, as content creators, we are all responsible for making the online world a happy and beautiful place. As audiences crave unique storytelling and content with feeling, we must use these tools and trends to help build authentic communities around this exciting and influential art form.